Last friday night, DC boxing club held a presentation evening at CUFC supporters’ club to celebrate the success of the club over the last year. There was a good turnout of junior and senior members of the club as well as friends and family, making it a lively event. The evening started with a few drinks and chatting at tables and around the bar – a nice environment for boxers to socialise and get to know each other a bit more outside of the gym. Head coach Ivan Cobb then talked about the progress of the club over the last year, and presented various awards for junior and senior boxers, including the funnuest moment of the year, awarded for a self-inflicted near-KO by one boxer at a training session. A short speech was given about the trip, then we spent the rest of the evening going around getting donations from boxers,friends and family who were attending. This also gave us a chance to show off our shiny new boxing vests printed to advertise the trip. A rather large amount of home-made brownies were also used to encourage generous donations, which seemed to prove successful.
Over the weekend, the money collected in cash so far from the presentation evening and other donations from boxing club was counted to see how the total stands so far. £229 has been collected in cash so far, with over £200 of sponsorship money still to come in, giving a total of around £450 of donations already – a really pleasing start to donations which could already be put to good use in the club.
Overall it was a successful and enjoyable evening, and a great start to our fundraising efforts to help DC make this year another good one.
Fantastic well done to you both. Well done to the people digging in there pockets. Just shows what this club means to people, I’m glad to be a part of it.