It’s official

Ivan, head coach of DC Boxing and Justin, a long running senior boxer and coach, both had words of encouragement at the start of the trip, which Phill and Heley took with them, along with their 20kg bags. Now at the premature end of their journey, we asked them again for their thoughts.

1) Now that Phill and Heley have officially announced that they will not be able to complete the trip, what are your thoughts?

Ivan: Disappointed for them. But if you’ve given your all, you can’t ask for more. Logic has to take sense.

Justin: They’ve done amazing.

2) How do you feel about what they have managed to achieve for the club, in terms of both raising the profile of the club and the money they have raised?

Ivan: Whether they raised £2 or £2000, it’s not about the finance. They’ve given their time for the club, and put something back in. It’s generated a lot of interest. It’s a shame people just don’t have the money to sponsor more.

Justin: Brilliant. They’ve gone out and done it, and it shows what the club means to people.

3) Despite Phill and Heley’s clear achievement, if they were to feel disappointed or a sense of failure in anyway, what would you say to them?

Ivan: They haven’t failed at all. We can only imagine how hard it was out there from reading the stories. They didn’t fail, they just didn’t reach the goal they set out to. If failure is raising money for the club and raising awareness for the club, then call it failure. It has got a lot of people talking and money for the club towards the much-needed new ring.

Justin: Injury takes over the braveness. You’ve got to be realistic. Your mind is trying to work over your injury, but sometimes you can’t carry on.

4) How else do you plan to raise money for the new ring? 

Ivan: Last year we had a shave night. ‘It’s a knockout’ is coming up to raise awareness, but not a lot of money. Dunno – ask Justin!

Justin: ‘It’s a knockout’ is on this week. There’ll be a stall and scaffolding with bags. 30 seconds. £1 a go. So hopefully we can raise a bit of money there.

On the site alone, Phill and Heley have raised £862.70 so far. They’re still planning to reach £1000, with a welcome-home-empty-your-pockets bucket bash. With Ivan’s wisdom and experience, and Justin’s duracell-positivity, I’m pretty sure we’ll reach the target £1500, because it’s not about the money. It’s about the club.